Training tailored to your organization's needs

The long-term experience of the lecturers in working with organizations of different fields, sizes and countries allowed refining the "know-how" of effective learning and transferring the accumulated good practices to the training of the "Sekmes lboratorija".  Our training programs are constantly improved, and their content, terminology, situations and practical tasks are adapted taking into account the activities of the organization, the maturity and experience of the group of participants.

Išsirinkite aktualią mokymų temą ir dirbdami kartu sukursime didžiausią vertę jums ir jūsų organizacijai.


The situational leadership model is aimed at top and middle managers. It teaches to analyze and evaluate various work situations, the needs of the employee and the employer that arise during those situations, and to choose the most appropriate leadership style, which will allow the most effective decisions to be made. 

The training program emphasizes the role of the manager as a trainer in developing competent, motivated and loyal employees. These trainings will increase the efficiency of the manager's activities, develop a favorable attitude towards changes and the desire to boldly initiate them and make difficult but necessary decisions.

The program emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and consistent result growth.

Available in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages.

Purpose – to define the manager's role in a changing organization environment, highlight the need for flexibility and adaptation for people's development, strengthen the manager's personal qualities and leadership skills.

Impartial and professional assessment of various work situations.
•  Identifying employee motives and needs.
•  Choosing the most effective leadership style to deal with the current situation.
•  The ability to make the most effective leadership decisions that will lead to the best results.
•  More effective organization of the manager's activities: goal setting, performance control and evaluation, motivation and feedback.

Duration – two days. 



The program is designed for middle and top managers.

During the training, already existing leadership and influencing experience is strengthened. Also, the understanding of coaching is being renewed and deepened. 

The training program is structured in such a way that each participant can find out their personal, dominant style of educational leadership and identify their areas of improvement. Also, to evaluate the influence of the applied coaching style on the team's activities and results, and to gain practical knowledge on the more effective application of educational leadership skills in their work. 

Managers are also introduced to the cognitive coaching model, which was developed after conducting an impressive study of 350,000 managers and employees, observing and analyzing the most effective behaviors and skills used by managers. 

During the practical sessions, you learn how to use the eight-step methodology, which is needed in different work situations. The eight-step coaching methodology allows the manager to influence the behavior of colleagues and develop their performance.

Available in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages.

Purpose develop practical and highly effective coaching skills, which ensures successful partnership and cooperation with employees in order to achieve high performance results.

Ability to effectively conduct coaching conversations with colleagues and subordinates.
•  Accurate recognition of the development needs and expectations of colleagues and subordinates.
•  Using appropriate questioning techniques.
•  Professional response and management of complex work situations. 
•  Enhancing existing leadership and influencing experience.

– two days. 



The spread of a positive attitude in the organization significantly improves relations with colleagues, clients, and the manager. Positivity, as a model of evaluating situations, values and activities, is "contagious" and spreads in the organization, promoting productivity, developing employee morale, and motivating to achieve greater results.

The training program is based on three fundamental behavioral principles:
1. Building trust.
2. Emphasizing positive changes.
3. In the event of a mistake, by channeling the energy to achieve the goal.

Available in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages.

Purpose – to create attitudes and understanding that, thanks to a positive approach and trusting relationships, higher results are achieved more easily and in a shorter time. 

•  Ability to apply positive relationship building techniques in your work environment.
•  Ability to notice and emphasize positive changes.
•  Building working relationships based on respect and trust.

Duration – one day.



A moderated meeting is a discussion of a group of people, during which the leader uses the experience, insights, ingenuity or knowledge of the participants in order to reach an outcome acceptable to all, i.e. better acquired knowledge, business plan or sales strategy, list of customer needs, etc.

Effective moderation of meetings ensures the involvement of employees in the decision-making process, which leads to their higher motivation to achieve the set goals.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose develop practical and effective meeting and audience management skills.

•  The skill to properly prepare for meetings is acquired..
•  Ability to effectively manage the processes taking place in the meeting: using the techniques of formulating questions, generating ideas, managing emotions, summarizing, taking responsibility for participants, and providing feedback.

Duration – half day.



The program is intended for managers who want to easily and effectively implement performance evaluation interviews with their employees. During the training, practical skills of organizing and conducting this interview are developed.  

Experience shows that the results and value of the annual interview depend on the manager's ability to properly manage this process. A correctly conducted development and performance evaluation interview helps to understand the mutual expectations of the manager and the employee, develops the employee's motivation, and purposefully directs the development of employees personal competencies.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose to develop practical skills of employee growth and performance evaluation interviews, the use of which ensures successful partnership and cooperation in order to achieve high personal and organizational results. 

Refinement of criteria for personal development and performance evaluation of employees.
•  Preparation of the structure and plan of the employee development and performance evaluation interview.
•  Ability to identify effective and ineffective employee performance and agree on expectations or required changes in the future.

Duration – one day.



The training program is designed for all levels of managers. 

In order to be successful, we must constantly improve and learn new skills and competencies. Therefore, the feedback from colleagues and managers around us is essential. However, there is still a lack of organizations in which employees are provided with quality feedback from both managers and colleagues. The reasons are very human - in our culture it is still not common to ask for feedback about ourselves and to share positive or negative feedback with others. It is emotionally difficult to talk about things to improve and accept them.  

During this training, you learn to ask, express and receive feedback in an appropriate, constructive way. By improving your skills in giving and receiving feedback, you will help grow both yourself and the people around you.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – to develop the ability to provide constructive feedback to colleagues, subordinates and managers and to be able to receive feedback from others.

•  Ability to apply techniques of providing positive and not always comfortable - negative feedback.
•  The skill of asking colleagues and subordinates to provide feedback is developed.
•  A defense mechanism that makes it difficult to express and receive feedback from other people is mitigated or eliminated.
•  Openness and mutual trust among colleagues and subordinates is encouraged.

Duration – one day.



The training is intended for managers of all levels who want to improve their leadership competencies.

One of the key competences of a manager is the ability to influence employees. Public speaking and persuasive presentation  become an effective tool in order to inspire employees to achieve the set goals and trust their manager. 

The purpose of public speaking is quite simple - to influence, persuade and motivate. The logic and weight of arguments, the arrangement of words and the way they are expressed, the overall visual effect, the charismatic sincerity of the speaker - these are the tools that help influence the audience and achieve the goals. 

During the training, we will get acquainted with modern techniques of elocution training, analyze and improve personal speech weaknesses, and learn to choose the most appropriate methods that will help achieve the intended goal of the message.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – to improve and develop persuasive public speaking and audience influencing skills.  

•  Ability to create a positive first impression using modern techniques.
•  Effective use of public speaking techniques: formulating questions, engaging participants, managing emotions, summarizing and providing feedback.
•  Accurate recognition of the audience's needs and their response during the presentation.
•  The ability to manage the process and flow of a presentation as naturally and convincingly as possible.

Duration – two days.



Training is intended for employees or teams that are responsible for communication and cooperation with the organization's customers. 

It is a training course that presents effective principles, methods and proven tools for effective communication with customers, developed by the best customer service professionals–practitioners.  

The training program is full of analysis of real situations and games simulating working cases, with the help of which theoretical and practical professional communication skills are acquired. The essential nuances of managing stress and conflict situations are explored.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – to shape the attitudes and perceptions of the training participants, promoting more positive, efficient client service. Also, to develop the emotional intelligence of employees, which will help to better understand and manage conflicts, personal emotions and arising stress in the working environment.

Accurate identification of customer type and selection of communication style.
•  Effective application of verbal and non-verbal means of promoting customer confidence.
•  Ability to apply techniques for overcoming contradictions, managing conflict situations and making decisions.
•  More professional management of the service process that generates  higher customer satisfaction.

– one day. 



For a person working in the field of sales, it is extremely important to improve quickly, not to lose motivation, to develop one's competencies in order to achieve harmonious and friendly relations with the client and team members. 

The concept of the training program helps to free the energy and ingenuity of employees, teaches to achieve personal and organizational goals. Develops the employee's personal leadership and helps to discover internal motivation by initiating a more efficient and effective sales process.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose to improve sales skills and to form the understanding and attitudes that only the personal efforts and initiative of the employee bring the results expected by them, the team and the entire organization.

Knowing and mastering the principles of personal leadership in sales activities.
•  Application of effective self-motivation tools. 
•  The ability to create higher added value for both the client and the organization in the sales process.
•  Improving sales skills: practical application of the SPIN model, formulating effective questions, clarifying the client's needs, using meeting or conversation closing techniques, reaching and implementing agreements. 

Duration – two days.



During the training, the practical coaching conversation model is introduced, which helps to influence the client and develop a positive attitude for further effective cooperation. During the practical sessions, you learn how to apply the steps of the coaching process in different work situations. Influence skills are strengthened, understanding of coaching is deepened.

Available in Lithanian language.

Purpose to improve sales skills by means of a coaching process, the use of which ensures successful long-term cooperation with its clients. 

Ability to apply the principles of coaching conversation in the sales process.
•  Building successful and long-term collaborative relationships with clients. 
•  Effective management of difficult and challenging sales situations.
•  Ability to create higher added value for both the customer and the organization in the sales process.

Duration – two days.



The respect an audience has for a speaker can translate into respect for the idea that is being promoted, and opinions and preconceived notions can change in an instant. 

The purpose of public speaking is quite simple - to influence, persuade and motivate. The logic and weight of the arguments, the arrangement of the words and the way they are expressed, the overall visual effect, the charismatic sincerity of the speaker - these are the tools that help influence the audience and achieve the goals.

During the training, we will get acquainted with modern techniques of elocution training, analyze and improve personal speech weaknesses, and learn to choose the most appropriate methods that will help achieve the intended goal of the message.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose –to improve and develop the skills of persuasive public speaking and influencing the audience. 
Ability to create a positive first impression using modern techniques. 
•  Effective use of public speaking techniques: formulating questions, engaging participants, managing emotions, summarizing and providing feedback.
•  Accurate identification of the audience's needs and responding to them during the presentation.
•  The ability to manage the process and flow of a presentation as naturally and convincingly as possible.

Duration – two days. 



The program is designed for a small or medium-sized team, for which a sense of unity, a desire to get to know each other better, and an ambition to smoothly and efficiently achieve the set goals are important.

Identifying team values ​​and fostering teamwork is important for better mutual understanding and sincere team cooperation. Named and jointly accepted values ​​of team members help to better understand the people around them, to realize what expectations they usually set for themselves and others, in what way they strive for a result, what motivates them at work and in their personal life.

Clear team values ​​are the foundation for successful work both together as a team and individually as a team member to achieve set goals smoothly and on time.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – to refine the team's common values, the understanding of which ensures successful cooperation for high results.

A clearer understanding of the needs of the whole team and its members.  
•  The ability to react flexibly and purposefully to complex work situations and make team decisions.
•  Increased team members' loyalty and pride in their team.

Duration – half day.



The program is intended for a small or medium-sized team, for which smooth teamwork and understanding of the expectations of team members is important.

Teamwork rules adopted together help to more clearly share responsibilities, understand the importance of providing feedback and improve mutual understanding, which increases team productivity and helps achieve set goals.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – to identify expectations and at the same time adopt teamwork rules, the use of which improves internal communication and teamwork, increases employee motivation and promotes engagement.

•  Identifying expectations of team members for smoother communication and collaboration.
•  Establishing and implementing new communication and cooperation rules and working principles according to a plan developed together. 
•  Greater involvement of colleagues in team processes, which leads to loyalty and pride among the team.

Duration – one day.



The training program is designed for teams for which consistent growth is important, both individually and as a group.

To be successful and create team added value, we need to constantly improve and learn new skills. This requires feedback from the people around us. However, there is still a lack of organizations where employees are provided with quality feedback from both managers and peers. The reasons are very human – asking for feedback about yourself or sharing positive or negative feedback with others is still not a common practice in our culture. Talking about things to improve and accepting them is emotionally difficult. 

These trainings teach you how to ask, give and receive feedback in an appropriate, constructive way. By improving your skills in giving and receiving feedback, you will help grow both personally and as a team.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – to help to understand the importance of feedback and develop the ability to provide constructive feedback to colleagues, subordinates, managers and to be able to accept feedback from others.

•  Ability to apply techniques of providing positive and not always comfortable - negative feedback.
•  Developing the skill of asking colleagues or other team members for feedback.
•  Taking feedback constructively. 
•  Openness and mutual trust among colleagues and team members is encouraged..

Duration – one day.



The program is intended for a team that values smooth teamwork and for its manager who wants to have motivated employees.

The training program is based on the principles of situational leadership. The content and topics of the training are selected in such a way as to form a clear concept of the team, detailing the importance of knowing it and its impact on achieving high results of teamwork. The significance of the team's goals and values ​​for increasing work efficiency is examined.

Available in Lithuanian language.

Purpose – the goal is to understand the life stages of the team and the expectations of the team members in those states and thus ensure successful cooperation in order to achieve ambitious team results.

•  The ability to accurately assess the level of preparation of one's own and colleagues for the performance of assigned tasks.
•  Selection and adaptation of different communication and collaboration styles required for a specific situation.
•  Building trust-based teamwork. 
•  Greater involvement of team members in team processes, which leads to members' loyalty and pride in their team.

Duration – one day.



The spread of a positive attitude in the organization significantly improves relations with colleagues, clients, and the manager. Positivity, as a model of evaluating situations, values and activities, is "contagious" and spreads in the organization, promoting productivity, developing employee morale, and motivating to achieve greater results.

The training program is based on three fundamental behavioral principles:
1. Building trust.
2. Emphasizing positive changes.
3. In the event of a mistake, by channeling the energy to achieve the goal.

Available in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages.

Purpose – to create attitudes and understanding that, thanks to a positive approach and trusting relationships, higher results are achieved more easily and in a shorter time. 

•  Ability to apply positive relationship building techniques both in a team and individually.
•  Ability to notice positive changes in a timely and appropriate manner. Nurturing emerging change.
•  Building teamwork relationships based on respect and trust.

Duration – one day.


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